Turing labs reduced the renovation of new variant from 8-month to 3-month, a record-breaking time-to-market. Turing helps helped brand innovation team brand not only in terms of configuring winning variant—but also by providing pointers to regain confidence among stakeholders.” –

Chief R&D Officer – Top 6 Global CPG Company

You’re in great company

To know how Turing can help you, contact Chris Hall:

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(206) 202-8833

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About Us

We built Turing Labs with singular focus to reduce fail-rate and improve speed-to-market for consumer goods. The entire platform is built to overcome major challenges shared by world’s biggest consumer goods companies. Our mission is to bring latest technologies and newer approaches in product development, product innovation or renovation.

Turing Labs Inc.

5500 N Service Rd,8th floor,

Burlington, ON L7L 6W6, Canada

Turing Labs Inc.

31 West 34th Street, 8th Floor

New York, NY 10001

Meet The Founders

Executive Team